Personal auto insurance is a type of coverage purchased for your personal vehicle or automobile. Its primary function is to provide the user certain immunity against vehicle accidents and any liability acquired as a result of such accidents. Personal car insurance is compulsory in many countries before using or keeping a vehicle. Apart from your vehicle license, your vehicle insurance is the most important piece of documentation you must have in order to drive a vehicle. Vehicle insurance is a general term employed for coverage purchased for all types of vehicles, be it cars, trucks, company vans, and any other vehicle that moves along the road.
There are different types of auto insurance policies based on the jurisdiction that covers such a vehicle. Personal car insurance policies vary and different types of insurance cover apply based on your preferences and how much you are willing to part with for your vehicle's coverage. Government polices also govern the format that an auto insurance policy is supposed to follow in a state and pass this on to the different car insurance companies in that state to apply as appropriate. For instance, in most states in the United States, auto insurance covering liabilities for injuries and property damages on others is compulsory, but enforced in different ways depending on the jurisdiction.
Personal auto insurance in most cases covers both the car and the owner of the car. Some policies also include friends and family who might drive your car. These policies will cover all liabilities in the event that your friend or family member does have an accident while driving your car. But it is assumed that such a person has the explicit permission to drive that car at all times.
Personal car coverage policies can be obtained at certain insurance companies in your jurisdiction. You should check your local listings or online for insurance companies near you.
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