Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Car Insurance Dispute? Discover Your Options

This article will provide you with some advice on what you can do if you're having a hard time with your car insurance company. Don't just sit back and suffer from their ignoring,stalling and disputing, there are things you can do to settle your dispute.

To begin with give your car insurance companies claims department a call. Remember, you're the customer and your car insurance rates pay their salary. If the person you're speaking to doesn't seem to care about your situation, (always record the name of the person you spoke to and the date you called) then find and speak to their superior.

Have all the documents ready that prove your point and explain why you're not satisfied. Send it to the person you speak to marked PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL or e-mail it to them if they give you their direct e-mail address.

If you're still not getting anywhere with your car insurance company, find out if your car insurance company has a complaints department. Follow the above steps again with the complaints department. Explain your situation to someone and if they don't take any action follow up with a phone call to their superior and a letter or e-mail with supporting documents. Don't forget to include a list of who you spoke to on each date and the result of the phone call.

If you still haven't resolved your problem, contact your local insurance department. They can be reached by phone, mail, or often online. Most insurance departments can provide you with on the phone assistance to help resolve your dispute without requiring you to file a formal written complaint. If a written complaint is required, you may be able to download and print one from their website, fill it in at home and post it to them.

When you have filed your complaint your local insurance department will notify the car insurance company of the complaint. The car insurance company is required to respond to the insurance department within a fixed amount of time, generally between 10 to 30 days, depending on where you live.

When the Insurance Department has received a reply from your car insurance company they will investigate what needs to be done and will notify you. This process can take as much as 30 days.

Your claim should normally be resolved by now. Insurers don't want to have the Insurance Department make a decision against them due to their power to levy a variety of penalties, ranging from fines to revoking the license of the car insurance company.

If you have read the above and make a decision it's all too complicated you may decide to hire a lawyer who specializes in Auto Insurance. Lawyer's generally work for either an hourly rate or on a contingency fee basis. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you get your lawyer's fee structure in writing. You should also insist that you receive copies of all correspondence to ensure you stay up to date on the progress of your claim. You should also sure your lawyer is aware that he or she needs your agreement before any settlement is agreed on.

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