I think we can agree that neither of us wants to be the victim of an auto accident. After the bumps and bruises have healed and the cars have long been fixed, the unfortunate few get their surprise in the form of a legal document. Usually the complaint is spelled out in a way that not only makes your blood pressure rise, it will make you sound like a deranged criminal behind the wheel. Now the real pain begins, finding a lawyer to defend you...going through the discovery process and finally realizing that there is absolutely "nothing" you can do.
Anyone who has been involved in an automobile accident and carries a Pennsylvania auto insurance policy will know exactly what I mean when I say it's no fun. If you made the mistake of carrying the minimum limits of liability you're going to want to find some nerve medication at this point. The legal system allows the injured driver to recover not only his/her out of pocket expenses but there will be potential for some pain and suffering payment. The pain and suffering paid will be determined by the extent of the injuries and the creativity of their attorney.
Considering that the average payout on pain and suffering for a broken arm is close to $40,000 you can get the picture real quick that there is some serious money to be made here. Let's hope you didn't choose that pa auto insurance policy from the low-ball quoter who threw caution to the wind and gave you the lowest coverages. The minimum required is only $15,000 per person for bodily injury, so you can see the chances for being underinsured with any minor injury.
Call an agent and ask for a review. A good agent will ask questions, many personal and intimate questions regarding your personal and financial situation. These answers will help a true professional agent determine what coverage will protect you adequately and still remain affordable. Please don't fall for the fast talk, low quote, state auto mentality.
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