Every day, drivers on U.S. roadways encounter accidents and collisions ranging from minor "fender-benders" to multi-car collisions. At best, accidents cause little or no damage to the cars in question and no injuries to drivers or passengers are sustained. At worst, accidents may result in lives lost and major property damage. If an individual is found guilty of causing an accident resulting in the death of another person, he or she may be held liable for the death and damages.
If a fatal car accident is caused by the negligence of one of the drivers involved, the driver at fault may be charged with vehicular homicide. In most states, vehicular homicide is a felony criminal charge, and the level of the charge often depends on the circumstances surrounding the case. If the individual had intent to harm others or was intoxicated at the time of the collision, the severity of the punishment is likely to increase.
In many ways, vehicular manslaughter can be related to assault charges, and the vehicle is often considered a weapon in many cases. Drivers are often unaware that their vehicle can be considered a weapon, but the speed and power of automobiles make them extremely dangerous in the hands of irresponsible and negligent drivers.
Drivers who are involved in fatal accidents may be charged with first degree vehicular homicide if they were driving in a reckless manner, were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, injured someone while overtaking a school bus, or were fleeing from law enforcement officers.
Second degree vehicular homicide charges usually arise from drivers who have committed less severe infractions and unintentionally killed another person. Such incidents often include drivers speeding, driving too slowly, failing to yield, or other minor traffic incidents that are not necessarily considered "reckless" driving.
Accidents involving the death of a driver or passenger are tragic events that should be avoided at all costs. Drivers should make sure to obey all rules of the road, practice defensive driving, and strive to protect themselves and others on the road. Alcohol should be consumed responsibly and individuals should never get behind the wheel while intoxicated. Drivers and passengers alike should wear seat belts at all times and children should be properly restrained.
If you would like more information about vehicular manslaughter and wrongful death laws in Pennsylvania, visit the website of the Pennsylvania wrongful death attorneys of Lowenthal & Abrams.
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